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  "_id": "621ffdc136468d709f17adbc",
  "id": "facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill",
  "modelId": "facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill",
  "author": "facebook",
  "sha": "eaaf64e3be20ad1f1fb0bdf689565ba52c97eafe",
  "lastModified": "2023-03-30T16:12:30.000Z",
  "private": false,
  "disabled": false,
  "gated": false,
  "pipeline_tag": "conversational",
  "tags": [
  "downloads": 362970,
  "library_name": "transformers",
  "widgetData": [
      "text": "Hey my name is Julien! How are you?"
      "text": "Hey my name is Thomas! How are you?"
      "text": "Hey my name is Mariama! How are you?"
      "text": "Hey my name is Clara! How are you?"
      "text": "Hey my name is Julien! How are you?"
      "text": "Hi."
  "likes": 298,
  "model-index": null,
  "config": {
    "architectures": [
    "model_type": "blenderbot"
  "cardData": {
    "language": [
    "thumbnail": null,
    "tags": [
    "license": "apache-2.0",
    "datasets": [
    "metrics": [
  "transformersInfo": {
    "auto_model": "AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM",
    "pipeline_tag": "text2text-generation",
    "processor": "AutoTokenizer"
  "spaces": [
  "siblings": [
      "rfilename": ".gitattributes"
      "rfilename": "README.md"
      "rfilename": "added_tokens.json"
      "rfilename": "config.json"
      "rfilename": "flax_model.msgpack"
      "rfilename": "generation_config.json"
      "rfilename": "merges.txt"
      "rfilename": "pytorch_model.bin"
      "rfilename": "special_tokens_map.json"
      "rfilename": "tf_model.h5"
      "rfilename": "tokenizer.json"
      "rfilename": "tokenizer_config.json"
      "rfilename": "vocab.json"
  "createdAt": "2022-03-02T23:29:05.000Z"